My name is Thomas Voigt (S.A. FAQ ).
I was born in Nuremberg (Germany) in 1961. This is all you need to know. You can now leave my page and let the flood of information work on you. Thank's a lot..

What, you again? O.K., if you really want, you can read some more lines about my main interests.

A long long time ago my first "computer" was a Sinclair Z80, followed by a Z81. With it I "hammered in" my first BASIC programs with a self-made keyboard, because working with the foil-keyboards of these models was almost an act of violence. Finished programs could be stored on a tape recorder - which took lots of time. Today this beginning aera of home computers can hardly be imagined any more.

By the way, if someone looks for an attractive, graphically interesting and fast homepage, he is welcome to contact me.

Programming languages:

For those, which have deactivated Java, here is the list of programming languages in HTML:
  • ASP
  • C++
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • Java
  • Javascript
  • Perl
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • VB
  • XML
Musical instruments

I have been playing the guitar approximately since 1973. Unfortunately my first guitar lessons were very bad, since my teacher, a student at the Nuremberg Conservatory, missed nearly every second lesson. (... which is the pupil's privilege, I thought..) In addition to that she gave me the most boring lessons you can imagine.I hope, she hasn't finished her studies! Really!!!
Anyway, my guitar lessons had ended after only three dull months. Two or three years later, I continued playing the guitar teaching myself autodidactically.

Further instruments I possess
(... but do not necessarily play myself): I made small animations where you can see the most important components of a classical guitar and of a sitar .
Unfortunately the site only runs with the MS-Internet-Explorer, because you need an Alpha-Filter.

since 1995 I have been teaching myself composition; except a short lesson Leo Brouwer gave me during the guitar festival in Nuertingen in 1998.


I have been painting since my youth. Before that I tried embroidering and painting on textiles (?) I painted on numerous shirts for friends, music groups and for myself, of course.
Fascinated by the deep black of the chalk I made some realistic drawings, mostly on DIN A2 cardboard. However, I don't possess most of them any more, because they were a favourite present for friends or could be swapped for something else.
At the beginning of the 90s I attended several course for nude painting, watercolour and oil painting, and portaiture. Most of them were taught by Fritz Lang , a painter and illustrator from Fürth.

Some further remarks

Autodidact and aesteticist? The first thing is a fact. Concerning the aestheticist see words .